Evan Gill

Meditation Teacher

I stumbled upon meditation when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. Up until that point, I had tried a variety of things to soothe feelings of loneliness and anxiety, but to no avail. Mindfulness completely changed my life. It opened my eyes to the fact that my own thoughts were causing many of the issues I was facing. After one week of consistent Mindfulness practice, I immediately began feeling a sense of relief and clarity. It was something I had never experienced before.

This has led me to dedicating the past 4 years to learning various meditation techniques such as Inner Body Awareness, Self-Inquiry and Breathwork. I have also familiarized myself with other Spiritual and Yogic Practices. I’ve had a calling to help those who are struggling and with this newfound love for teaching, running meditation classes is how I feel I can serve my purpose in this world.

In addition to teaching meditation, I’ve worked as a Mental Health Counselor, and possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Currently, I am a Master’s Degree candidate. I am located in the Greater NYC area and enjoy nature, reading, writing, and creating content.

Evan offers Group Meditation classes.

Sign up for our FREE launch class on Sunday Apr 28, 2024 at 12PM EST. Click here to Sign up today!