Ikarus Mind: Take a Different Path to Therapy

Looking for a meaningful, human connection to uncover deeper layers of self-understanding? Ikarus Mind is about taking on new perspectives with curiosity and logic re-framing. Get accessible and personalized psychotherapy & mindset coaching today!

Our Philosophy

We want you to experience how meaningful it is to be your Authentic Self in a therapeutic relationship. Contemplate, reflect, and mindfully explore how parts of your story are woven & interconnected to the person you are today. We believe there is a deeper mystery under the surface of the narratives we tell ourselves. 

We invite you on a journey of mindset shifts, empowerment, healing, and discovery.

Together We Can Explore



  • Anxiety, Depression

  • Trauma

  • Lack of Motivation, Productivity Guilt, Hustle Culture

  • Anger Management, Stress

  • Marital Issues and Family Dynamics, Family Acceptance

  • Grief, Loneliness, Bereavement

  • Parenting, Postpartum, or Postnatal Challenges

  • Filial Piety, Transgenerational Trauma

  • Lack of Organizational & Time Management skills, Adulting

  • Chronic illness, Cancer

Sense of Self

  • Self-Identity, Self-Confidence, Self Esteem, Self Development

  • Boundaries, People-Pleasing, Pressure to Perform, Imposter Syndrome

  • Anxious Attachment Style

  • Avoidant-Dismissive Attachment Style

  • Disorganized Attachment Style

  • Outgrowing & Ending Relationships

  • Starting Over & Life Transitions

  • Emotional Awareness (Connecting to your inner world)

Spiritual Health

  • Sense of Purpose

  • Soul Searching

  • Deeper Meaning in Life

  • Existential thoughts

  • Feeling Stuck or Disconnected

  • Longing

  • Aging, Death and Dying


The Ikarus Touch

  • Critically engage with your own story, logic, feelings, truths, and assumptions

  • Experience customized care

  • No cookie-cutter approach

  • Authentic & humanizing relationships

  • Foggy window

    Individual Therapy & Coaching for Adults and Professionals

  • raindrops of window

    Joint Therapy for Couples and Families

  • Raindrops on window

    Therapy for Adolescents & Students

  • Rustic window with trees

    Spiritual Health Counselling

  • Woman sitting on couch smiling

    Kiersty M. Xavier

    Founder & Clinical Director Psychotherapist

Get started with Ikarus Mind.